My guarantee to you:
I am so confident of the benefits that if at the end of any month of our working together in a coaching relationship you feel that you have not received excellent value I shall gladly refund that month's fee.

Tax Deductible
Coaching services and many of our other programs are tax deductible for most clients who are self-employed. Expenses to maintain and improve your business and professional skills are usually tax deductible.

Please contact your tax advisor for further information.

This is the 5 consecutive evening, program for business leaders who are ready to take on the challenge of creating The Sustainable Workplace™ in their organisations but prefer the intensive format.

Benefits: If you're looking for increased profitability, productivity, staff retention and customer loyalty, then one of the Sustainable Workplace™ programs is for you!

Session 1
What research tells us about the characteristics of the Sustainable Workplace. Who you have to be as the leader of a Sustainable Workplaceâ„¢.
Characteristics of North America's least known and most successful leaders.
Becoming the leader you need to be.

Session 2
The importance of Vision, Mission and Values, discovering them, verifying them and making them part of your corporate DNA

Session 3
Teamwork: the importance of relationships in the Workplace and creating relationships which work.

Session 4
Coaching skills for corporate leaders

Session 5
Putting it all together

Format: 5 Consecutive evenings, 6-9pm

Email Martin to arrange a phone call to discuss your questions about this program.

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This is the 6 month, small group program for business leaders who are ready to take on the challenge of creating The Sustainable Workplace™ in their organisations but prefer the group format in a mastermind environment. Currently delivered face-to-face but a tele-class version will be offered in 2005. This program includes three half-day workshops with monthly tele-coaching between.

Benefits: If you're looking for increased profitability, productivity, staff retention and customer loyalty, then one of the Sustainable Workplace™ programs is for you!

Session 1
What research tells us about the characteristics of the Sustainable Workplace.
Characteristics of America's least known and most successful leaders.
Who you have to be as the leader of a Sustainable Workplace™
Becoming the leader you need to be.

Session 2
The importance of Vision, Mission and Values, discovering them, verifying them and the process of making them part of your corporate DNA. Which model is right for you?

Session 3
The importance of relationships in the Workplace and creating relationships which work.

The program allows you to work in a small group, mastermind setting with peers determined like you to ensure that their organisations are super-successful.

Can also be delivered to groups of executives or managers from the same organisation.

Email Martin to arrange a phone call to discuss your questions about this program.

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This is the two-day coaching intensive for managers wanting to learn and hone their coaching skills. Combines an introduction to personal development and coaching theory with lots of coaching practice. Coaching scenarios are specifically tailored to the experiences of your management team. You will learn from your own experience during the course and from seeing your peers in action. Includes my occasional whisperings in your ear!

Delivered in a recreational or rural setting. Maximum 24 people per course.

Benefits: Getting the best out of your people today is different from yesterday and it's going to become even more different in future. Without coaching skills you're missing a key ingredient of the 21st Century management success formula. Help your people grow from the inside out as they successfully take on bigger projects and enable them to make the outstanding contribution to your bottom-line of which you know they are capable. It's all about supporting, challenging, encouraging, sometimes provoking them and knowing when each is appropriate. In a nutshell, the benefits are your people's enhanced performance and your personal satisfaction at having been the catalyst which made it happen.

Participants have said:
"Martin used a tremendous blend of role-playing, sharing key concepts and group discussion to hold my attention for two days. I feel far better equipped now to coach my clients appropriately and achieve the desired results."

"The seminar provided me with practical tools and experience in coaching that I am able to take back to my organisation and apply, starting tomorrow."

"This seminar was a great way of understanding coaching and what it can do for you and those with whom you work with, live with and play with. There were other valuable insights as well. A short seminar that gives real benefits!

Email Martin to arrange a phone call to discuss your questions about this program.

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Would you like your organisation to be not just a survivor but a leader, to be universally recognized for its success in every area of its operation with super-satisfied staff, customers and suppliers, to be highly profitable and considered the quintessential corporate citizen?

Benefits: If you're looking for increased profitability, productivity, staff retention and customer loyalty, then one of the Sustainable Workplace™ programs is for you! At a personal level you will have new insights into enabling your people to perform at their best, new insights into creating the culture of success and will have surprised yourself at your own creativity.

This one-day, six-hour workshop introduces you and your team to the concept of the Sustainable Workplace™, the workplace which is extraordinarily profitable but gets there by growing its people rather than consuming them like a fossil fuel. You'll learn about where the idea came from and the research which supports it, do some projects individually and in teams which will exercise your creativity and give you tools to take back into the workplace.

You will access your right brain through wielding a paintbrush yourself and creating a pictorial mind-map to remind you in the days ahead of your learning here.

Maximum 30 participants.

Format: One day (6 hours)

Participants have said:
"I loved the the "Sustainable Workplace" workshop! I felt liberated in being given permission to exercise my brain's right-side! I thoroughly enjoyed painting with watercolours, and found that the process helped me to think both wider and deeper about what steps I could to take within my organization to propel us further towards our goals. I found the workshop enlightening and at the end of the day I actually felt energized and invigorated, as opposed to many workshops I been in where I left feeling drained and tired. I've hung my "work of art" in my office as a reminder of renewed sense of purpose and am looking forward to having Martin share his talents with my colleagues in the near future."

– SM, Western Economic Diversification Canada."

Email Martin to arrange a phone call to discuss your questions about this program.

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You will be surprised I know to learn that in some organisations there is room for improvement in interpersonal relationships! In this interactive workshop we talk about relationships of choice and those at work, the impact of personality and the ways in which the people of the workplace are going to be different in future. How we respond is going to make all the difference between loving going to work and hating it! It's also going to directly influence your bottom line.

Benefits: To enjoy the benefits of reduced interpersonal friction and interdepartmental protectionism you want your people to have better relationships in your workplace today and an understanding of how its face is going to look different in future. This program focuses on creating the right conditions for that to happen.

You will access your right brain through wielding a paintbrush yourself and create your own work of art to inspire you in your journey. Maximum 30 persons.

Format: Half-day or whole-day. (3 or 6 hours)

Participants have said:
"Martin began by exploring the connection between fine art and relationships....even though you may not appreciate the final work of art, you can appreciate the skill required to produce this masterpiece ... Martin uses his love and knowledge of fine art and weaves it into an out-of-the-ordinary team building exercise ... which in turn enables them to have input into their own sustainable workplace environment. Martin's sense of humour and his passion reflected onto the participants throughout the day. His insight into relationships and their fragility helped participants to see the differences between themselves and their peers ... I would recommend Martin Sawdon and Coaching-Works! as a very different and dynamic way to provide training for your workplace."


Email Martin to arrange a phone call to discuss your questions about this program.

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The intrapreneurial company is one in which everyone from the janitor to the CEO is sensitive to new opportunities for business and knows what to do when they are recognized. How much faster would your business grow if everyone was equally keen and able to do this? It's not just about staff training. First you must create a culture in which your people want to stay; otherwise you'll simply be a training ground for great people to be stolen by the competition. This workshop looks at both aspects of this challenge and invites you to create your own, intrapreneurial company.

Benefits: A new culture of intrapreneurialism is fostered in your organisation and all members of staff become members of your extended sales force.

Workshop I addresses your corporate environment and what you'll want to set up before your people flex their intrapreneurial muscles.

Workshop II addresses the information, skills and self-knowledge your staff need to have to be successful in the intrapreneurial role

Format: Either 1 hour introductory sessions or half a day each (3hrs) More topics ideal for "Lunch and Learn!"

Email Martin to arrange a phone call to discuss your questions about this program.

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Coaching might be the most misunderstood term in business today: all of a sudden everyone is doing it. Or are they? With effective coaching you and your people can go further and get there faster. What is coaching and is it for you? This program is designed for everyone who ever wondered what coaching is all about and wanted to know! It’s a high-energy, interactive presentation in which participants look at some of their own challenges and experience a coaching "show-and-tell."

Benefits: After experiencing this program, participants will clearly understand exactly what coaching is; firstly, by experiencing a presentation, and secondly, by seeing a coaching demonstration as long as there is an audience member ready to be the client.

Format: 1 hour, perfect for Lunch and Learn!

Participants have said:
"Wish it could have been longer"
"The coaching demonstration was amazing!"
"It was fabulous and I could have listened all day!"
"Terrific storytelling"
"One of the clearest explanations of coaching I've seen."

Email Martin to arrange a phone call to discuss your questions about this program.

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The inability to say "No" handicaps teamwork and productivity at work and can build resentment and spoil relationships with our friends.

Are you the person who can never say 'No?' This is your class! We look at factors to consider before making the decision you want in your heart, the one which your head supports and what you have to do to make that decision stick.

Benefits: Never again promise to do more than you can deliver! It may not be wise to offer your boss a bald "No" but you need to know the strategy which has a similar effect and makes the organisation more successful! Know how to say "No" to friends and those community organisations vying for your last free evening of the week!

The Program: We look at factors to consider before making the decision you want in your heart, the one which your head supports and what you have to do to make that decision stick. We also take a look at the language of saying "No" in different situations.

Email Martin to arrange a phone call to discuss your questions about this program

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Are you making do with the life someone else expected of you or carving out your own unique expression? In this seminar I will introduce you to 7 elements of the perfect life and challenge you to start creating your own.

Benefits: You will have a tool-kit to help you recognise and establish the life which is perfect for you

The Program: You will be introduced to 7 elements of the perfect life and challenged to start creating your own.

Format: Varies from the one-hour introductory event to the 2-Day, 12 hr intensive.

Email Martin to arrange a phone call to discuss your questions about this program.

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Five secrets of ongoing profitability and staff retention If you want to ensure that your company is not just a survivor but a leader, a model of ongoing high profitability and super-satisfied staff, this class is for you!

This is the one-hour introduction to the Sustainable Workplace™.

Five things you will learn during the programme:

1. What is a Sustainable Workplace™ ?
2. Why bean-counters MUST take notice.
3. Where did the Sustainable Workplace™ come from?
4. Five steps for creating a Sustainable Workplace™
5. Five characteristics of the Sustainable Workplace™.

Who is this tele-class best suited for?

This class is for:
i) Executives, managers and business owners who are determined to achieve outstanding profitability and have a life too,
ii) Leaders-in-waiting keen to learn about creating a winning corporate culture.

Participants have said:
"Martin is gifted with an incredible, engaging voice that leaves listeners craving more. Martin makes a soulful connection with everyone he speaks to. In these stressful and demanding times, the world needs more than ever Martin's messages from the heart."

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There was a time long, long ago when a job was forever. Today even the best people have experienced downsizing, right-sizing or job elimination. Sometimes they don't known how to ask for help, are prevented by their pride or perhaps don't realise that help will be beneficial or is needed. Sometimes we don't known how to support them in practical terms. Drawing on my own experience of being laid-off, finding job satisfaction and of coaching, this class provides tools and strategies for supporting the downsized.

Five things you will learn about during the programme:

1. How best to offer support.
2. What not to allow them to do.
3. What to share with them.
4. What to ask them.
5. What else you can offer them.

Who is this tele-class best suited for?

i) Anyone struggling with how to offer practical support and assistance to those who have lost their jobs.

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The 4 week, 4 session tele-class for anyone in job transition, contemplating a new career or who may change jobs in future! Your time during these 4 weeks will be packed full of tasks for you to do to ensure you have the best chance of being successful the next time you want to change your job or experience downsizing, rightsizing of re-engineering.

The 4 week program addresses the following issues:

• Week 1: creating your resume and how to use it.
• Week 2: what do I really want to do and what will it take to get there?
• Week 3: Networking
• Week 4: The interview and preparing for it.

Who is this tele-class best suited for?

i) Anyone looking for a job which thrills the right now.
ii) Anyone who may be looking for a job which thrills them in future.

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In a previous life I was a landscape architect dealing with projects varying from small gardens to urban parks systems. In their creation and the evaluation and choice of ingredients I find a compelling metaphor for life and personal growth. The experience of previous participants suggests that through this session you will be inspired to further develop yourself or your garden or both!

Four things you will learn about during the programme:

1. How to create your ideal personal growing medium.
2. The right plant in the right place - aspect, attitude and you.
3. What sort of garden are you?
4. The nine steps of project completion.

Who is this tele-class best suited for?

i) Leaders with a gardener bursting to get out and vice-versa,
ii) Gardeners with a passion for personal development and
iii) Personal developers with a passion for gardening

Participants have said:
"In this hour I gained a whole new set of tools to help me landscape my life."

As a Edmonton Business Executive Coaching Consultant we offer Edmonton Executive Career Coaching and Edmonton Business Executive Coaching. Some of the Business Executive Coaching programs create personal development.

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